Legislative Accomplishments

Tax Relief for the Middle Class

John understands that affordability is one of the biggest challenges facing Massachusetts. During his time in the Senate, John helped pass the most significant tax relief package in decades, providing $1 billion in targeted relief to seniors, renters, and families. John also secured more than $50 million in tax credits in 2024 to spur housing production in Gateway Cities to make the region more competitive. 


John is one of the few combat veterans currently in the Massachusetts Legislature and is a recognized statewide leader in veteran issues. In 2024, John helped shepherd the HERO Act through the Senate, modernizing veterans’ benefits, expanding services, and ensuring the Commonwealth remains second to none in taking care of our veterans.

Housing and Downtown Revitalization

Since being elected, John has secured over $5 million in direct funding to expand housing production and revitalize downtowns in the North Central region. These funds created hundreds of new units of housing, supported new businesses, and continue to make the region a better place to build a future.

Mental Health

With more adults and young people facing mental and behavioral health challenges than ever before, John helped pass the ABC Act to expand access to community-based services and bolster our human services workforce. In 2023, John filed legislation to mandate commercial health insurance coverage for services at community behavioral health centers so that patients can get the care they need regardless of their zip code.

Growing our Workforce and Creating Economic Opportunity

John is one of the Senate’s strongest advocates for growing both our regional and statewide economies. John secured the first permanent funding stream to expand Innovation Pathway Programs statewide to facilitate partnerships between local industry and comprehensive high schools. John has also championed Early College Programs, Career Technical Institutes, and equitable admissions policies for vocational schools to grow our skilled workforce and attract 21st-century employers to our Commonwealth.


Since election to the Senate, John increased funding for all of the Worcester and Middlesex’s school districts year after year. John played a key role in securing millions in additional funding for school construction projects facing unexpected increases in construction costs—Groton’s Florence Roche Elementary, Fitchburg’s Crocker Elementary, and the new Nashoba High School. These efforts decreased the local tax burden and provided a lifeline for critical projects. In the FY2025 budget, John passed an amendment to increase the minimum per pupil aid to a historic high. The vote was bipartisan and unanimous.

Consumer Protection

In his second term, John was appointed as Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure, allowing him to advocate on behalf of consumers, trades, and businesses across the Commonwealth. During this time, John sponsored and passed through the Senate the Wheelchair Warranty Bill to reduce wait times for repairs in the event of a broken chair and provide wheelchair users and their families the dignity and peace of mind that they deserve.